Monday, June 29, 2009

Here's another way that Woodstock's manufactures provide a glimpse into the complex world of military procurement. A Woodstock firm is in this case a sub-sub-contractor to the Pentagon. It's part of an Army program to develop "the Next-Generation M915 and Family of Line Haul HTV's". HTV's are Heavy Tactical Vehicles: the M915 is a heavy-duty truck tractor "used primarily in active and reserve component transportation units for the rapid, efficient transport of bulk supplies from ocean ports to division support areas within a theater of operation." (

Under a July 2008 contract, Ametek Rotron provided an Auxiliary Environmental Control Unit (air-conditioning and heating) to Dewey Electronics Corporation. It's part of an Auxiliary Power Unit which Dewey developed for MTC Technologies under a $475,000 subcontract. MTC is the lead contractor. (MTC was acquired in June 2008 by BAE, the world's 3rd-largest military contractor.) "The project is expected to be completed and delivered to the U.S. Army by November of 2008." (Science Letter, 7/8/2008)

Thus Woodstock is contributing to the "nuts and bolts" of the next military occupation. Here are some photos that show some M915s at work in Iraq:

The lowest picture shows British soldiers securing Humvees for transport aboard an M915 tractor-trailer in Iraq.

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